Special Support Centre

The children who attend the Special Support Centre (SSC) have a wide range of special educational needs. The curriculum is adapted and adjusted as necessary to meet the needs of the children. Learning goals or competencies are  broken down into smaller steps, allowing progress to be assessed and significant achievements recognised over time. Whenever learning together can be shown to benefit both groups, activities and learning spaces will involve both children with disabilities and our typical learners in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 children.

The SSC children all have an individual plan which is put together to include support from our occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychotherapist and nutritionists, who work with children on a one-to-one basis when needed. Each child has a key worker, who is responsible for setting  clear targets which actively support the academic and personal progress of the child.

The curriculum aims at teaching the fundamental skills and competencies required for children to fully function and participate in the world around them. These include communicating, building relationships and developing self help skills associated with hygiene and physical movement.

KIMS’ 4 C’s

Within the curriculum we aim to nurture positive habits of learning by focusing our children on developing our 4C’s

  • Courage: We are determined, ambitious learners. We are able to take risks and go the extra mile to challenge ourselves.
  • Curiosity: We are intrigued by the world we live in and eager to know and learn more.
  • Consideration: We know that a little consideration, deliberation and thought can make a big difference. Our actions and decisions are responsible and respectful.
  • Communication: We understand that developing successful communication skills is fundamental to well-being, providing the means to connect with the world around us leading ultimately to happiness and success.