The school is committed to providing a rich and diverse curriculum for all our children. We are proud of our bespoke curriculum, which is based on the Ugandan Curriculum themes but incorporates the rigorous standards of the National Curriculum for England. The curriculum has been designed to reflect the diversity of the children in the school as well as the Ugandan environment in which we operate.
We strive to bring education to life for our children and make learning irresistible by creating engaging, challenging and fun activities that put learning into a meaningful context. We are fortunate to have extensive grounds including a horticultural area, woodland and playing fields where you will often find children practically solving maths problems, learning about science or gaining skills in sports and a love of nature.

KIMS’ 4 C’s
Within the curriculum we aim to nurture positive habits of learning by focusing our children on developing our 4C’s
- Courage: We are determined, ambitious learners. We are able to take risks and go the extra mile to challenge ourselves.
- Curiosity: We are intrigued by the world we live in and eager to know and learn more.
- Consideration: We know that a little consideration, deliberation and thought can make a big difference. Our actions and decisions are responsible and respectful.
- Communication: We understand that developing successful communication skills is fundamental to well-being, providing the means to connect with the world around us leading ultimately to happiness and success.